A scale for 2000 Philippino data has been constructed using census microdata obtained from IPUMS-I
Research* :
Paul Lambert University of Stirling Dave Griffiths University of Stirling *Undertaken as part of the ESRC funded project on 'Social Networks and Occupational Structure' ('SoNOcS').
CAMSIS-PH (2000)
Download the scales Using ISCO-88 3-digit units:
SPSS data format: ph2000occ.sav
Stata data format: ph2000occ.dta
MS Excel format: ph2000occ.xls
Plain text format: ph2000occ.dat
Using 'microclass' units as in Jonsson et al. (2009):
Stata data format: ph2000micro.dta
Using ISCO-88 3-digit units cross-classified by educational level (as described in our article, Griffiths & Lambert 2011, below):
Stata data format (secondary level or above, or not): ph2000secocc.dta
Stata data format (university level or above, or not): ph2000uniocc.dta
Citations The following references can be used to cite this scale:
Griffiths, D., & Lambert, P. S. (2011). Dimensions and Boundaries: Comparative analysis of occupational structures using social network and social interaction distance analysis. Paper presented at the ISA RC28 Spring meeting, University of Essex, 13-16 April 2011. (access to text) Data 2000 Census extract accessed via IPUMS-I Cases 263k pairs of both-working married or cohabiting couples + + + Occupational classification Scales have been derived at three units of analysis:
The ISCO-88 3-digit level using the coding frame data on the Philippines 2000 'occ' variable availabe at IPUMS-I
(This scheme has minor differences from ISCO-88).
- Coding frame from IPUMS-I at: )
- Text value labels in English (.do)
The microclass' level using the scheme of Jonsson et al. (2009)
- ISCO-88 to microclass generic algorithm applied to generate microclasses (.dat)
- Text value labels in English (.do)
- Documentation on specific adaptations used in this project for the Philippino data (.do)
- Jonsson, J. O., Grusky, D. B., Di Carlo, M., Pollak, R., & Brinton, M. C. (2009). Microclass Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries. American Journal of Sociology, 114(4), 977-1036.
Units of analysis which cross-classify educational level with ISCO-88 3-digit units
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a secondary level of education
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(sec), where 'sec' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has a secondary or higher level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having values of 3 or 4
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a degree level of education
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(uni), where 'uni' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has a secondary or higher level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having a value of 4
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Last modified 23 May 2011 by Paul Lambert.