Scales for Venezuelan data (1981, 1990 and 2001) have been constructed using census microdata obtained from IPUMS-I
Research* :
Paul Lambert University of Stirling Dave Griffiths University of Stirling *Undertaken as part of the ESRC funded project on 'Social Networks and Occupational Structure' ('SoNOcS').
CAMSIS-VE (1981)
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Zip archive featuring all 1981 versions including Stata, SPSS, plain text and Excel format files, and featuring occupation and occupation-by education units):
Selected files from the above archive:
Using IPUMS-I 'occ' variable (close to ISCO-88 3-digit units):
Stata format (basic data): ve1981occ.dta
Stata format (with further details): ve1981occ_details.dta
Using IPUMS-I 'occ' variablecross-classified by educational level (education measured in two different ways: either whether or not university degree level or above; or whether or not secondary school level or above or not:
Stata data format (univeristy degree level or above, or not): ve1981uniocc.dta
Stata data format (secondary level or above, or not): ve1981secocc.dta
Citations and version history Please cite this website if using this CAMSIS scale. The above scales should be regarded as: Version 1 for CAMSIS VE, 1981, released 12 November 2012
Data 1981 Census extract accessed via IPUMS-I Cases 34k pairs of both-working married or cohabiting couples + + + Occupational classification Scales have been derived at three units of analysis:
The Venezuelan 1981 'occ' variable availabe at IPUMS-I (close to ISCO-88 3-digit)
- Coding frame from IPUMS-I at:
- Text value labels in English (.do)
Units of analysis which cross-classify educational level with ISCO-88 3-digit units
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a universtiy degree
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(uni), where 'uni' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has auniversity level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having value 4
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a secondary level of education
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(sec), where 'sec' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has a secondary or higher level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having values of 3 or 4
Additional derivation information Scales have been derived by using semi-automated correspondence analysis routines in Stata. These routines recode sparsely represented occupations to merge them with the largest occupations in the minor, sub-major or major group as appropriate, and applies any additionally nominated pseudo-diagonal declarations or desired records, then generates standardised scale scores for males and females. The 'details' file contained within the zip archive gives further information on the derived data, including secondary dimension scores and estimated margins of error for the respective scale scores.
The macro file used is at:
A small number of pseudo-diagonals were defined and used in the macro, listed as: occ units / occ-by-educ units
A small number of nominated recodes were made to merge sparse occupations, listed at: occ units / occ-by-educ units
CAMSIS-VE (1990)
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Zip archive featuring all 1990 versions including Stata, SPSS, plain text and Excel format files, and featuring occupation and occupation-by education units):
Selected files from the above archive:
Using IPUMS-I 'occ' variable (close to ISCO-88 3-digit units):
Stata format (basic data): ve1990occ.dta
Stata format (with further details): ve1990occ_details.dta
Using IPUMS-I 'occ' variablecross-classified by educational level (education measured in two different ways: either whether or not university degree level or above; or whether or not secondary school level or above or not:
Stata data format (univeristy degree level or above, or not): ve1990uniocc.dta
Stata data format (secondary level or above, or not): ve1990secocc.dta
Citations and version history Please cite this website if using this CAMSIS scale. The above scales should be regarded as: Version 1 for CAMSIS VE, 1990, released 12 November 2012
Data 1990 Census extract accessed via IPUMS-I Cases 41k pairs of both-working married or cohabiting couples + + + Occupational classification Scales have been derived at three units of analysis:
The Venezuelan 1990 'occ' variable availabe at IPUMS-I (close to ISCO-88 3-digit)
- Coding frame from IPUMS-I at:
- Text value labels in English (.do)
Units of analysis which cross-classify educational level with ISCO-88 3-digit units
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a universtiy degree
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(uni), where 'uni' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has auniversity level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having value 4
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a secondary level of education
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(sec), where 'sec' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has a secondary or higher level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having values of 3 or 4
Additional derivation information Scales have been derived by using semi-automated correspondence analysis routines in Stata. These routines recode sparsely represented occupations to merge them with the largest occupations in the minor, sub-major or major group as appropriate, and applies any additionally nominated pseudo-diagonal declarations or desired records, then generates standardised scale scores for males and females. The 'details' file contained within the zip archive gives further information on the derived data, including secondary dimension scores and estimated margins of error for the respective scale scores.
The macro file used is at:
A small number of pseudo-diagonals were defined and used in the macro, listed as: occ units / occ-by-educ units
A small number of nominated recodes were made to merge sparse occupations, listed at: occ units / occ-by-educ units
CAMSIS-VE (2001)
Download the scales Using ISCO-88 3-digit units:
SPSS data format: ve2001occ.sav
Stata data format: ve2001occ.dta
MS Excel format: ve2001occ.xls
Plain text format: ve2001occ.dat
Using 'microclass' units as in Jonsson et al. (2009):
Stata data format: ve2001micro.dta
Using ISCO-88 3-digit units cross-classified by educational level (as described in our article, Griffiths & Lambert 2011, below):
Stata data format (secondary level or above, or not): ve2001secocc.dta
Citations The following references can be used to cite this scale:
Griffiths, D., & Lambert, P. S. (2011). Dimensions and Boundaries: Comparative analysis of occupational structures using social network and social interaction distance analysis. Paper presented at the ISA RC28 Spring meeting, University of Essex, 13-16 April 2011. (access to text) Data 2001 Census extract accessed via IPUMS-I Cases 108k pairs of both-working married or cohabiting couples + + + Occupational classification Scales have been derived at three units of analysis:
The ISCO-88 3-digit level using the coding frame data on the Venezuelan 2001 'occ' variable availabe at IPUMS-I
(This scheme has minor differences from ISCO-88).
- Coding frame from IPUMS-I at:
- Text value labels in English (.do)
The microclass' level using the scheme of Jonsson et al. (2009)
- ISCO-88 to microclass generic algorithm applied to generate microclasses (.dat)
- Text value labels in English (.do)
- Documentation on specific adaptations used in this project for the Venezuelan data (.do)
- Jonsson, J. O., Grusky, D. B., Di Carlo, M., Pollak, R., & Brinton, M. C. (2009). Microclass Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries. American Journal of Sociology, 114(4), 977-1036.
Units of analysis which cross-classify educational level with ISCO-88 3-digit units
- ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a secondary level of education
- Coded values = isco88 (3-digit) + 10000*(sec), where 'sec' is a 0/1 indicator for whether or not an individual has a secondary or higher level of education, indicated by the IPUMS-I variable 'edattan' having values of 3 or 4
- Background: We also attempted to generate a scale which used ISCO-88 cross-classified by whether or not a respondent has a higher level education - as reported in Griffiths and Lambert 2011 - however the data we accessed did not contain substantial representation of cases coded as having higher/university levels of education so we do not use this measure in further work.
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Last modified 12 November 2012 by Paul Lambert.