4 Data revision (merging the most sparse units)
compute hbst3=hbst. compute wbst3=wbst. ** 1) Manual recodes :. * A (typically very long) list of manual recodes as derived from * the surveying of originally sparsely represented units and * preliminary model results. recode hbst3 (13192=13191) (21132 = 21131) (21302, 21312 = 21392) (21482 = 21412) (21432, 21442, 21452 = 21422) (22212 = 22211) (22222 = 22221) (etc = etc) . recode wbst3 (11401, 11202 = 11201) (12261, 12221 = 12251) (12222 = 12252) (13192 = 13191) (21211, 21131, 21132, 21111, 21112 = 21101) (21301 = 21311) (21401, 21421, 21431, 21441, 21451, 21461, 21481 = 21411) (21312 = 21392) (etc = etc) . ** 2) Psuedo-diagonal corrections . * We anticipate from the preliminary models some of the * major pseudo-diagonals (although a lot more may yet be defined * at a later stage). Here we already excluded them from our * manual revisions, so it is necessary, and convenient for other * reasons, to recode all relevant cases into categories that still * exist in the revised units. * eg 1 : all farming pseudo-diagonals:. compute agric1=0. if ( (h2gp=61 | hocc=9211 | hocc=3212) & (w2gp=61 | wocc=9211 | wocc=3212) ) agric1=1. * eg 2 : all diagonals by occupational title. compute diocc=(hocc=wocc). * recoded base unit values : for agric1, choose 1 category each; * for diocc, choose one category for each of the 5 major group units. if (agric1=1) hbst3=61101. if (agric1=1) wbst3=61101. if (diocc=1 & h1gp=1) hbst3=12303. if (diocc=1 & h1gp=2) hbst3=23593. if (diocc=1 & h1gp=3) hbst3=34103. if (diocc=1 & h1gp=4) hbst3=41103. if (diocc=1 & h1gp=5) hbst3=52203. if (diocc=1 & w1gp=1) wbst3=12303. if (diocc=1 & w1gp=2) wbst3=23593. if (diocc=1 & w1gp=3) wbst3=34103. if (diocc=1 & w1gp=4) wbst3=41103. if (diocc=1 & w1gp=5) wbst3=52203. ** 3) Recompute derivative units and add value labels. compute hocc3=trunc(hbst3 / 10). compute hempst3=hbst3 - (10 * (trunc(hbst3 / 10) ) ). compute wocc3=trunc(wbst3 / 10). compute wempst3=wbst3 - (10 * (trunc(wbst3 / 10) ) ). execute. compute h1gp3=trunc(hocc3/1000). compute w1gp3=trunc(wocc3/1000). recode h1gp3 w1gp3 (5 thru hi=5). compute h2gp3=trunc(hocc3/100). *etc through all subgroups. compute h1gp3st=h1gp3*10 + hempst3. compute w1gp3st=w1gp3*10 + wempst3. *etc through all subgroups-by-status. * Value Labels : . include file="versionlabels.sps". occlab occ={hocc3 wocc3}. stlab occ={hempst3 wempst3}. bstlab occ={hbst3 wbst3}. majlab occ={h1gp3 w1gp3}. * plus variable labels if desired :. variable label hocc3 "Title unit males revision 1". variable label hbst3 "Title-by-status unit males revision 1". *etc. * summary info :. weight by freq. tables /format blank missing ('.') /ftotal=ftot1 "Total" /tables (labels) + ftot1 by (hbst3 + wbst3) /statistics count ((F5.0) ' Cases ') /title "Male and Female title-by-status revision 1". *etc. weight off. ** 4) Calculate square autorecoded values. * [FOLLOW THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWN IN SECTION 2.4 EARLIER, SUBSTITUTING THE NUMBERS * 3 AND 4 AT THE END OF VARIABLE NAMES IN PLACE OF [BLANK] * AND 2 (IE, HOCC- -> HOCC3; HOCC2 -> HOCC4, ETC) ]. sav out="revision1.sav".
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