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Social Stratification Research Seminars

This page concerns the long-running series of 'Social Stratification Research Seminars'. These have been held annually since the late 1960's. They traditionally take place in September in Cambridge, but are sometimes held at other venues.




    Next meeting:

Social Stratification Research Seminar 2024

28-29 August 2024, University of Stirling




The seminar will run as an in-person event across 28-29 August 2024 (0900-1730hrs UK time). We are also planning to allow options for online participation (see below).


Conference organiser: Paul Lambert


Participation arrangements:

The 2024 stratification seminar will be run as an in-person event at the University of Stirling, thanks to the kind support of the Faculty of Social Sciences. See the booking form for paper submission and registration arrangements, as well as for information on accommodation options, travel and other arrangements.

Online participation is also supported. There will be live streaming available to registered participants, online participants will be able to speak to the seminar room, and we will accept a small proportion of papers for delivery by online participants (although the majority of papers will be delivered in-person).


Call for papers with booking form:

[pdf / docx] (Link updated on 12/Jul/24).

First deadline for paper proposals:

8 July 2024

Confirmation of accepted papers:

12 July 2024

Second deadline for late submitted papers (subject to capacity):

15 August 2024

Update 12/Jul: Late submissions still being considered (many papers have been accepted for presentation after the first deadline, but at time of writing there is still space available for a small number of additional papers which we will consider on a first-come-first-served basis until 15/Aug).

Last possible booking date for delegates: 22 August 2024
Paper schedule : (to be added when available)





    Last meeting:

Social Stratification Research Seminar 2023

30-31 August 2023, University of Stirling



Participation arrangements:

The 2023 stratification seminar ran as an in-person event at the University of Stirling, thanks to the kind support of the Faculty of Social Sciences.


Paper schedule : [schedule pdf ] (version as at 29/Aug/23)








The Social Stratification Research Seminars have been running almost every autumn since 1968. Between 1968 and 2001 they were usually organised in Cambridge by Bob Blackburn and colleagues at the Social Science Research Group (formerly the Sociological Research Group), an organisation within the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge.

Since the early 2000's meetings have rotated between venues more often. Since 2003 we have held the seminar in Cambridge (2006, 2008-9, 2012-3, 2016, 2018), Amsterdam (2019), Cardiff (2003-5), Edinburgh (2014, 2017), Milan (2015), Stirling (2007, 2011, 2022-3) and Utrecht (2010). The seminar ran in online-only format in 2020 and 2021.





Last modified 12 Jul 2024
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert (paul.lambert@stir.ac.uk)