A CAMSIS scale for Standard Occupational Classification 2020 (SOC2020) unit groups has been generated for Britain using LFS data for the period 2021-2024.
Data 2021-2024 Quarterly Labour Force Survey Cases 52138 both-working male-female within household cohobiting couples from QLFS between 1st quarter 2021 and 2nd quarter 2024 Occupational classification Standard Occupational Classification 2020 (SOC2020) Employment status 3(+1) categories .
0 No information on employment status
1 Self-employed
2 Manager or supervisor
3 Employee
If using the measures, you're encouraged to read:
Accessing and using CAMSIS scale scores The construction of CAMSIS measures
DOWNLOAD CAMSIS FILES SOC2020: .dta / .dat [version history: version 1 (and v1 - prep), author: Paul Lambert, released Dec 2023 for SOC2020 unit groups using LFS 2021-23(ignoring employment status categories (report slides); version 1.2, author: Paul Lambert, released Nov 2024 using additional LFS quarters 2021-24 for SOC2020 unit groups (ignoring employment status categories)]