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CAMSIS: France

CAMSIS scales for France for the period 1962-2006, derived from analysis of census data, are distributed below (first published in 2011). Earlier, a 'version 1' CAMSIS scale for France using 1999 data was released (in May 2004); this version, also available below, was seen as a preliminary version insofar as it doesn't deal with the entire French population (farmers are excluded).

Research collaborator / Collaborateur dans la recherche :

Yannick Lemel Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative, INSEE
Ehud Weisel Dauphine University, Paris
Paul Lambert University of Stirling

France, IPUMS-I versions:
Data 1962, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1990 and 1999 Census (5% sample); and 2006 census (33% sample), accessed via IPUMS-I
Cases c300k both-working couples aged 20-100 (5% samples); and c2M both-worling couples aged 20-70 (33% sample)
Occupational classification

For each census year, two different scales were estimated reflecting the two different occupational measures available. Measures were either in the PCS (code des Professions - catégories socio-professionnelles), which vary in details and codes by time periods, or in national specific schemes or the SAPHIR harmonised occupational codes (for the period 1962-1990. Metadata are available on all occupational codes following the 'variable' links at IPUMS-I. A summary of the codes used (and IPUMS-I variable names), is as follows:

  1962: 2-digit PCS (fr62a_occ); 2-digit SAPHIR (occ)

  1968: 2-digit PCS (fr68a_occ); 2-digit SAPHIR (occ)

  1975: 2-digit PCS (fr75a_occ); 2-digit SAPHIR (occ)

  1982: 2-digit PCS (fr82a_occ); 2-digit SAPHIR (occ)

  1990: 2-digit PCS (fr90a_occ); 2-digit SAPHIR (occ)

  1999: 2-digit PCS (fr99a_occty); 3-digit PCS (occ)

  2006: 2-digit PCS (fr06a_socio42); 4-digit PCS (occ)

Download the files

France, 1962, PCS version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1962, SAPHIR version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1968, PCS version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1968, SAPHIR version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1975, PCS version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1975, SAPHIR version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1982, PCS version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1982, SAPHIR version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1990, PCS version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1990, SAPHIR version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1999, PCS 2-digit version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 1999, PCS 3-digit version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 2006, PCS 2-digit version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat

France, 2006, PCS 4-digit version: .dta / .sav / .xls /.dat


Some other files which were used in the derivation of these scales (the semi-automated programme macro and the specifications of psuedo-diagonals and linked occupations) are available at:

Release details Version 1.0; author: Paul Lambert; released on: 11 September 2011

Some results from this analysis were presented by:

Lambert, P.S. (2011) 'Social inequality in France: Measures and mechanisms', talk presented to the AHRC research conference on 'Language and Social Structure in Urban France', Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 8-9 September 2011 (slides: ppt / pdf).

France, version 1:
Data 1999 Census (5% sample)
Cases 297,042 both-working couples
Occupational classification

PCS (code des Professions - catégories socio-professionnelles )

4-digit units, for details of value labels see here.

Current status

Derivation of scores from results published in:

Barral P., Bellach M., Bernard l., Vaconsin F., "L'homogamie comme révélateur de la structure sociale", Rapport de groupe de travail, ENSAE, 2003

Other comments Preliminary version which excludes all farming occupations from derivation. An updated version produced by Ehud Weisel / Yannick Lemel is anticipated for release in 2004/5.

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Last modified 11 Sep 2011
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert.