CAMSIS: Turkey / Türkiye
A CAMSIS version for Turkey using data from 1990 has been derived for ISCO68 units. Before downloading the tables, users are recommended to read:Accessing and using CAMSIS scale scores The construction of CAMSIS measures
DOWNLOAD CAMSIS FILES version 1.0; author: Paul Lambert; released on: 22 January 2003
Data Labour Force Survey 1990 Cases 24,000 Husband - Wife working couples Occupational classification ISCO 1968, unit and minor groups Status in employment Four categories, plus conversion to Standardised Employment Status (see below).
Status in Employment Occupational Classification
Occupational Sparsity and Concentration
The original Turkish data covered some 100,000 husband-wife couples from the five major regions of Turkey. However, many women in that sample were not in paid employment and the CAMSIS analysis proceeded on only those combination where both partners were currently in work, approximately 24,000 cases. Of these, some 9,000 were cases where both husband and wife were farmers or in agriculture; because of the problems they create, these 'pseudo-diagonals' are usually excluded from scale construction.
Employment Status
The index files of scores allow for status in employment to be coded in two ways, as listed below. The first uses those categories that are conventionally distinguished in Turkish occupational data; the second uses those constructed categories that we derive in order to provide scores that are compatible with other groupings that are used in international comparative studies (see the fuller discussion in the web page on Status in Employment).
Turkey (TR) Standardised 0 Employee Not available, not known etc. (TR category 9) 1 Employer Self-employed (all) (derived from TR categories 1 to 3) 2 Self-employed with no employees Self-employed (principal) (derived from TR categories 1 and 2) 3 Assists in Family Business Own account (TR category 2) 4 Employer (TR category 1) 5 Family assistant (TR category 3) 6 Employee (TR category 0) 9 Not available, not known etc. (derived from categories 0 to 3)
The finest level of detail available is that of ISCO-68 title units. However, the relatively sparse number of cases available for analysis means that in many cases we worked only to the level of detail of ISCO-68 minor groups (also see this link for information on translating from ISCO-68 to ISCO-88).
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Last modified 9 September 2012
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert.