7.2.1 Generating the file: details

The first step is the creation of a database which will serve as the start of our index file. This requires one case for every possible occupational unit, with the occupational unit numeric value assigned to each case. Later, each case will then have scores matched to it, separate variables indicating the scores applicable to men and women, and those applicable to title-by-status or title-only base units. Additionally, we may also choose to add other variables which indicate, for example, the number of cases which represented the given occupational base unit during the scale construction; if and how the occupational base unit was merged with other base units during the CAMSIS construction; or the proportion of cases treated as pseudo-diagonals.

The first variables of the index file can be created by listing the full set of occupational title numeric values (perhaps from the same source as the list of title value labels), then stacking successive full columns of these lists parallel to a single digit indicator of occupational status, then finally deriving a third column which is equal to the title*10 + status values. This can be readily achieved in Microsoft Excel, in a way similar to that described in section 2.3 on adding occupational labels. Such a plain text file can subsequently be read into SPSS, value and variable labels added, and occupational subgroups calculated, in each case repeating methods discussed previously. The accompanying file provides sample SPSS syntax illustrating how these results are achieved.


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Last modified 14 February 2002
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert (paul.lambert@stirling.ac.uk)