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CAMSIS: Germany / Deutschland 1995
Before downloading the tables, users are strongly recommended to read:
Accessing and using CAMSIS scale scores
The construction of CAMSIS measures
  version 1.0; author: Paul Lambert and Ken Prandy; released on: 12 December 2002
Data/Daten 1995 Micro-census/Mikro-zensus (ZUMA)
Cases/Fälle 50,000 husband-wife working couples 
Occupational classification/Klassifizierung der Berufe ISCO-88 (details below)
Status in employment/Stellung im Beruf Seven categories, plus conversion to Standardised Employment Status (see below).


Status in Employment
Occupational Classification

Status in Employment

The index files of scores allow for status in employment to be coded in two ways, as listed below. The first uses those categories that are conventionally distinguished in German occupational data; the second uses those constructed categories that we derive in order to provide scores that are compatible with other groupings that are used in international comparative studies (see the fuller discussion in the web page on Status in Employment). Note that in the construction categories 4, 5 and 6 were combined.

Germany (DE)
0 Not available, not known etc. (Entfällt) (derived from categories 1 to 6) Not available, not known etc. (DE category 0)
1 Self-employed with no employees (Selbständig, ohne Beschäftigte) Self-employed (all) (derived from DE categories 1 to 3)
2 Employer (Selbständig, mit Beschäftigten) Self-employed (principal) (derived from DE categories 1 and 2)
3 Family Assistant (Mithelfende(r) Familienangehörige(r)) Own account (DE category 1)
4 Beamte Employer (DE category 2)
5 Angestellte Family assistant (DE category 3)
6 Arbeiter Employee (derived from DE categories 4 to 6)
Occupational Classification

Full details of the ISCO-88(Com) four-digit values used are available from the IER website. (This site lists the major, submajor and minor group labels in German). There are also further comments on ISCO schema in the 'occupational unit handling' section of these webpages. The ISCO-88(Com) values were obtained by translating the original micro-census variable EF93 by the German CAMSIS partners.

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Last modified 9 September 2012
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert